

Horton Pascal

Contact Curriculum Research Teaching Publications


Graduated in Environmental Sciences and Engineering - Swiss Federal Institute of Technology (EPFL), Lausanne (2004)

High school: Gymnase de Beaulieu, in a scientific section, Lausanne (1999)

Expériences professionnelles

Institute of Geomatics and Risk Analysis, University of Lausanne (2007-actuellement)
Debris flows susceptibility mapping for the Canton de Vaud territory (Switzerland)
Development of a model for debris flows susceptibility assessment
Phd work for extreme rainfall forcasting by means of probabilistic tools applied to past measurements (analogs method). The project is part of the MINERVE project for flood risk management on the Rhône

Sodelo Sàrl, Lausanne (2007)
Hydrological study of the Tinière catchment for hydrological risks mapping

Hydrology and Land Improvement Laboratory, Swiss Federal Institute of Technology (EPFL), Lausanne (2006)
Contribution to a hydrological book: exercises development and illustrations creation

Institute of Geomatics and Risk Analysis, University of Lausanne (2005-2006)
First assessments of a research project on extreme rainfall forcasting by means of probabilistic tools applied to past measurements. Data treatment, model development and assessment of the method feasibility

Cooperative Research Centre for Catchment Hydrology, Monash University, Melbourne, Australia (2003-2004)
Feasibility study of retrofitting the Little Stringybark Creek catchment (Melbourne, Australia) with Water Sensitive Urban Design tools

Hydrology and Land Improvement Laboratory, Swiss Federal Institute of Technology (EPFL), Lausanne (2004-2005)
Contribution to the VICAIRE project (VIrtual CAmpus In hydrology and water Resources, for the UNESCO)
Development of the website of the Environmental Science and Technology Institute
Research on the climate change impact on hydrological regimes in the Swiss Alps for the assessment of the future hydropower production (Project OFENCC, funded by the Swiss Federal Office of Energy)
Contribution to the CONSECRU project (CONcept de Sécurité contre les risques liés aux CRUes, flood risks management): Developement of modelling tools


Specific competences and techniques

Applications d'ingénierie en hydrologie

Programmation en Matlab, C++ et accessoirement PHP, JavaScript.

Laves torrentielles
A développé un modèle de simulation des laves torrentielles dans le but de l'établissement d'une carte indicative de danger.
